About ICA - Immaculate Conception Academy
ICA Greenhills is a non-stock, non-profit elementary and secondary school owned and directed by the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (MIC), a Canadian-founded congregation of women-religious by Delia Tetreault. ICA caters to Chinese-Filipino female students.
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ICA Greenhills is a non-stock, non-profit elementary and secondary school owned and directed by the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (MIC).


Learn about our Foundress, the MIC, and the history of how the ICA campus came to be.


View our dynamic teaching and training facilities. From our classrooms, to our culinary kitchen, laboratories, auditoriums and more.


Learn about how ICA envisions and transforms young girls into self-actualized women of faith and service.


Download the school handbook, learn about our policies, programs and advocacies.


ICA believes that…

• God is our loving Father/Mother, the source of all that we are and all that we have.

• Every person, being an image of God, is endowed with potentials and powers especially the capacity to seek the truth and love the good.

• A person who is grateful for his/her gifts nurtures and shares these for the well-being of others; the greatest of these gifts is Jesus Christ – the Good News Himself.

• As a steward of creation, every person respects, develops and uses creation as God intended it.

• Education is the process that leads every person towards his/her integral development which can best be realized in an open and trusting Christian community.

• Mary, our Immaculate Mother, is the model of faith, excellence, and service.


ICA is a Catholic educational institution established by the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (M.I.C.) in 1936. The school community, with a distinct Chinese Filipino character is rooted in Jesus Christ and inspired by Mary’s example of discipleship and Venerable Délia Tétreault’s spirituality of thanksgiving.


A woman of faith, excellence, and service

Witnessing, in joyful thanksgiving, to the Good News – Jesus Christ

To all people, particularly the Chinese Filipinos.


To provide quality Catholic education to form women leaders who actively participate in building a
just and peaceful society.


ICA is a Catholic educational institution for girls that provides BASIC EDUCATION, with a distinct CHINESE FILIPINO character.


As a CATHOLIC SCHOOL, it offers an educational program which is guided by Catholic doctrines, traditions, and practices. Student formation is Catholic in orientation, rooted in Gospel values. Foremost among ICA’s goals is to cultivate and nurture in the students, as well as in the faculty and
staff, a lively faith in Jesus Christ. As TRUE CHRISTIANS, they endeavor to build a community of faith that celebrates the Eucharist and other sacraments and promotes the ideal of service to others, especially the poor and marginalized.


Its BASIC EDUCATION program is geared towards the development of COMPETENT STUDENTS who possess the necessary skills, attitudes, and
values of life-long learners. Imbued with a sense of excellence, they are driven to maximize their potentials to succeed in their chosen endeavors.


It is a FILIPINO SCHOOL which aims to develop a strong sense of nationalism in the students that leads them to be COMMITTED CITIZENS who are appreciative of their Filipino cultural heritage, loyal to the Filipino nation, and actively involved in building a society where God reigns.


Owing to the distinct heritage of its students, ICA aims to foster in them an appreciation of their Chinese cultural traditions and help them blend these with Filipino traditions.


With the Blessed Mother as its patroness, ICA strives to develop in the students the tender yet firm disposition and the joyful and grateful attitude of Mary towards all that she has received. The CULTURED AND REFINED ICAn exhibits preference for the good, true, and beautiful and manifests humility about the gifts she possesses and generously shares these with others. She promotes simplicity, harmony, and peace in her family and community.


We bear the name of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, so we look up to her, as our model of a “woman of faith, excellence, and service”, especially as shown in her Ecce-Fiat-Magnificat.

As a woman of Faith, an ICAn has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and lives to be Christ to others.

As a woman of Excellence, an ICAn does all things well to be the best version of herself for God and society.

As a woman of Service, an ICAn takes action to bring about social transformation and development.

THE ICA SCHOOL SONG (English Version)

Beloved School, your song we sing;
Your banner we raise high
Immaculate Conception
We will bring your spirit till we die
So lead us make our life a mirror of your bounteous grace
And we will grow strong in times of strife
By following your ways

Our life is true
You taught us what to do
And in our hearts your words will stay
We’re white and blue Immaculate for you
Our Alma Mater, I.C.A.

O star of Mary brightly shine
And guide us with your light
Immaculate Conception
We are yours forever in your sight
And when we say; Praise be to you, beloved I.C.A.
Your hallowed walls we know so well
Will echo while we sing.

THE ICA SCHOOL SONG (Chinese Version)

挚 爱 吾 校 我 们 歌 唱
您 的 旗 帜 飘 扬
您 洁 净 又 无 暇
承 先 启 后 生 生 不 息
请 引 领 我 们 展 示 您 无 穷 的 理 想
追 随 您 的 步 履
在 困 境 中 坚 毅 成 长
声 明 真 实 是 您 的 教 诲
我 们 心 中 永 志 不 忘
蓝 色 白 色
献 上 一 片 清 纯
義 德 中 学 ICA
圣 母 玛 利 亚 之 星
向 导 我 们 以 您 的 光
洁 净,无 暇
我 们 永 远 属 于 您
当 我 们 赞 颂 挚 爱 的 義 德 中 学
在 您 神 圣 的 光 中
回 音 响 亮
生 命 真 实 是 您 的 教 诲
我 们 心 中 永 志 不 忘
蓝 色 白 色
献 上 一 片 清 纯
母 校 義 德 ICA

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