16 Nov Journeying through Grief during this Pandemic
Journeying through Grief during this Pandemic
By Mrs. Sharlene Rabelas
How does one live with grief? Does the pain last forever?
As part of ICA’s 85th Founding Anniversary celebration, the members of the ICA community came together to listen to the talk of Mrs. Annabel Uy-Braganza from ICA Batch 77, on the topic: Journeying through Grief during this Pandemic last November 2, 2021. The session was a timely opportunity to reflect and gain a better understanding of grief and the process of grieving.
It was indeed an enlightening talk as we learned that people grieve differently and each has his/her own way of expressing grief. It is also important to note that the pain we feel is because we loved, and we loved deeply. We may never know how it feels for another who lost a part of themselves. We go through grief, to grow through grief. In the process of accepting and going through sorrow, a strong support system is indeed vital. As companions to the grieving, we have to respect their own process of healing.
May we, as one community always be resilient in facing the challenges head on and most importantly remain to be present for each other. Together, let us be grateful for the gift of this mission entrusted to us even during these challenging times.
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