01 Jun ICA’s Summer Enrichment Online Programs 2022
ICA’s Summer Enrichment Online Programs 2022
By Mrs. Mary Elenore San Jose
ICA constantly encourages pupils to nurture their talents and harness their skills. This summer, various enrichment programs with fun yet challenging activities were offered to the grade school pupils. Aside from acquiring and improving their technical skills, these programs also serve as de-stressors for pupils. The following programs were held online via Zoom last May 10 to 14, 2022.
is a class for art enthusiasts of both beginning and intermediate skill levels. Pupils learn and practice proper application of art concepts and techniques using various media.
is a physical fitness class involving games, sports, and exercises that are age-appropriate.
aims to further develop dancing skills and encourage expression through lyrical movements.
is a child-friendly culinary workshop where pupils learn to use different ingredients and apply varied cooking methods.
After the five-day workshops, the pupils expressed that they enjoyed all the activities. They also appreciated gaining deeper understanding and application of their lessons and getting better at using various tools and materials. The pupils were awarded with certificates of participation and their outputs were put together in digital displays and virtual exhibits which were posted in their respective Google Classrooms.
You may view the Young Chefs outputs here. The ICAn @ HeART Intermediate Virtual Exhibit may be viewed here.
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